How to clean the pod or capsule coffee machine?

Good morning starts with coffee, possibly in pods or capsules. Surely you will have at home one of these fantastic ultramodern coffee machines where you just need to insert a small capsule or a practical pod and that's it. Maybe you bought it just because it was so pretty it fit perfectly in the kitchen, or for convenience because some are so handy that you can easily place them in a corner of your office. Pods and capsules are now the easiest and least invasive solution to prepare coffee, they do not get dirty and are extremely easy to use.

This small appliance nowadays allows you to taste an excellent coffee in just a few seconds. But what to do when the taste of your favorite drink starts to taste strange? Often, most of the time, it is not necessary to rush to the shop to replace your machine with a new model, but rather just follow the easy instructions to proceed with cleaning the instrument and everything is back in place, the coffee is tasty again.

Cleaning the coffee machine

First of all, don't wait until the last minute. Compare yourself with the instruction booklet of your coffee machine and check by which deadline to carry out this procedure, your machine will benefit from it. If your coffee machine is for capsules, it would be best to clean it every two weeks or so to avoid accumulation of coffee. Wait at least 20 minutes after the last use so you don't get burned. Now that your machine is cold you can start disassembling the components. Use a degreasing sanitizer on each removed part, pay particular attention to the water tank, the tray that collects the drops and the compartment for the collection of used capsules.

Leave to act according to the indications of the chosen product. With the help of a delicate toothbrush or sponge, remove the product and any coffee residues. Now dry each piece of the machine thoroughly, then put each item back in its place. Go outside the machine, for convenience you can use sanitizing wipes, in any case avoid water or spray products, they could get into the gears and damage your coffee machine.

The pod coffee machine, on the other hand, is involved in two cleaning procedures.

One daily, always with the machine cooled down, which involves the filter holder arm which must be cleaned every time it is used. Rinse it without using soaps and the like but only with a lot of water, so it will be free from paper residues in case the filter has left some and obviously coffee. The second cleaning procedure can be carried out approximately every ten days and consists in thoroughly cleaning the drip tray and the gaskets, here you can help with the use of delicate detergents and water. When you clean the compartment intended to contain the water used to make coffee, remember to use a specific disinfectant for cleaning surfaces in contact with food.

For the external part, also in this case, the best solution is to use wipes with a degreasing and sanitizing action in order not to cause problems. 


Whether you have a coffee machine for capsules or pods, in addition to routine maintenance, you will need to remember to descale. This operation allows you to have a coffee that is always dense and tasty at the right point. It is generally advisable to descale every two months, as the name suggests, this procedure allows you to eliminate any trace of limescale that may have accumulated during use of the appliance. The presence of limescale compromises the functioning of your coffee stain, do not underestimate it.

Primo passo, procurati un ottimo prodotto decalcificante, Axor Rio liquido o in polvere (scegli tu quale preferire) fa bene il suo lavoro in quanto prodotto specifico per la rimozione del calcare nelle macchine da caffè. Piccola precisazione, quello in polvere viene consigliato più specificatamente per le elettro-caffettiere, mentre il liquido lo puoi usare su tutte le macchine da caffè.

Come usare il decalcificante:

  • Per usare questo prodotto devi sciogliere mezzo litro di acqua insieme ad una bustina di Axor Rio in polvere, se hai optato per Axor Rio liquido invece usa il misurino che trovi sull’etichetta per regolarti con la dose.
  • Ora inserisci il tutto all’interno del serbatoio dedicato al contenimento dell’acqua nella tua macchina.
  • Accendi l’apparecchio.
  • Togli la coppa portafiltro e aziona la pompa.
  • Fai uscire la soluzione, circa 2 o 3 tazze che andrai ovviamente a gettar via.
  • La miscela creata con Axor Rio ed acqua è ancora nel serbatoio ma tu ora spegni l’apparecchio.
  • Attendi 15/20 minuti in modo che il prodotto possa agire sia all’interno del vano porta acqua che nelle condutture interne.
  • Se il blocco di calcare continua ad ostruire la tua macchina procedi aprendo il rubinetto del vapore lasciando che l’acqua defluisca.
  • Aziona la pompa per una ventina di secondi.
  • Ripeti tutto il procedimento fino a quando la soluzione non si sia esaurita.
  • Passa alla pulizia del serbatoio ed, infine, fai defluire tutta l’acqua fino allo svuotamento.

Ce l’hai quasi fatta.

Now all you need to do is prepare a couple of coffees and throw them away, too.
You are now sure that you have properly cleaned your coffee machine.
A well-maintained machine will always allow you to have an excellent coffee pod or capsule.