Original and compatible pods and coffee capsules?

If pod systems were born in the 1970s, capsule systems began to spread over the last twenty years, first through leasing, loan for use and rental contracts, then thanks to the purchase of the coffee machine at home appliance stores. Of the two, the capsule system is the most sponsored by the coffee companies themselves. These, to promote the sale of capsules (from which the actual profit comes) and to retain their customers, have designed systems that can only work through the use of a certain type of capsules whose peculiarity lies in the shape and material. These are standard capsules that are only suitable for a certain type of coffee system.

Both pods and capsules can be produced by the same company that sells the coffee machine. Both, called "originals", can be purchased at the supermarket or by stipulating a loan for use contract that allows the free use of the appliance upon monthly purchase of a certain number of capsules or pods from the manufacturer. The costs, although apparently contained, are actually slightly higher than compatible systems.

Since we live in a world where competition is the basis of the market, with the spread of coffee machines in pods or capsules, compatible products are starting to be found sponsored by coffee companies other than those that advertise the machine. At low cost and without sacrificing the quality of a good coffee, compatible pods and capsules adapt in shape and material to the systems currently available. There are many companies that produce the compatible alternative that can also be found online by choosing from a wide range of flavors and aromas suitable for all needs. Savings are guaranteed!

Find your Compatible

On MarketCaffè you will find Pods and Capsules compatible with the main coffee machines on the market, search for your coffee machine and you will find all compatible pods or capsules. 

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