ESE pods

ESE pods
18 ESE pods 44mm Borbone The Lemon

18 ESE pods 44mm Borbone The Lemon

Select quantity:
18 Cialde
(0.272 € apiece)
18 ESE pods 44mm Borbone The Lemon The quality and properties of carefully controlled and selected leaves. Ingredients: Camelia sinensis L. (95%), lemon flavoring (5%).
Cialde ESE 44mm Molinari Tisana ProntoRelax

25 Cialde ESE 44mm Molinari Tisana ProntoRelax

Caffè Molinari
Select quantity:
25 Cialde
(0.18 € apiece)
La tisana "Prontorelax" è una miscela appositamente studiata per ottenere un infuso gradevole per tutte le età. Particolarmente indicata per essere gustata alla sera prima di coricarsi.
Cialde ESE 44mm Molinari Tè Ceylon Aromatizzato al Limone

25 Cialde ESE 44mm Molinari Tè Ceylon Aromatizzato al Limone

Caffè Molinari
Select quantity:
25 Cialde
(0.18 € apiece)
La tisana "Lemon Tea" è una pregiata miscela di tè di Ceylon dal gusto intenso gradevolmente bilanciato dall'aroma al limone, pronta all'uso e ideale in ogni momento.
Cialde ESE Lollo Caffè Aromatizzato Cioccolato.
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Lollo Coffee

30 Pods Carta Ese Lollo Chocolate Flavored Coffee

Lollo Caffè
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Pods Carta Ese Lollo Chocolate Flavored Coffee The flavored blends of Lollo Caffè are a synthesis between the classic taste of Lollo espresso and the creative variants with a chocolate flavor. Taste and passion that combine with the body and good humor of chocolate.
Compatibili 30 Cialde Carta Ese Lollo Caffè Aromatizzato
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Lollo Coffee

30 Pods Carta Ese Lollo Hazelnut Flavored Coffee

Lollo Caffè
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Pods Carta Ese Lollo Hazelnut Flavored Coffee The flavored blends of Lollo Caffè are a synthesis between the classic taste of Lollo espresso and the creative variants with a hazelnut flavor. Taste and passion that combine with the meltiness of the hazelnut.
Compatibili 30 Cialde Carta Ese Lollo Caffè Aromatizzato Ginseng
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Lollo Coffee

30 Ese Lollo Paper Pods Ginseng Flavored Coffee

Lollo Caffè
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Ese Lollo Paper Pods Ginseng Flavored Coffee The flavored blends of Lollo Caffè are a synthesis between the classic taste of Lollo espresso and the creative variants with a ginseng flavor. Taste and passion that combine with the strength and energy of ginseng.
Cialde Carta Ese Lollo Caffè Aromatizzato Guaranà
Lollo Coffee

30 Ese Lollo Paper Pods Guarana Flavored Coffee

Lollo Caffè
Select quantity:
30 Cialde
(0.263 € apiece)
Ese Lollo Paper Pods Guarana Flavored Coffee The flavored blends of Lollo Caffè are a synthesis between the classic taste of Lollo espresso and the creative variants with the flavor of guarana. Taste and passion that combine with the strength and energy of guarana.
Cialde Carta Ese Lollo Caffè Aromatizzato Caramello
Lollo Coffee

30 Paper Ese Lollo Coffee Pods Caramel Flavored

Lollo Caffè
Select quantity:
30 Cialde
(0.263 € apiece)
Paper Ese Lollo Coffee Pods Caramel Flavored The flavored blends of Lollo Caffè are a synthesis between the classic taste of Lollo espresso and the creative variants with a caramel flavor. Taste and passion that combine with the melt-in-your-mouth caramel.
copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

Select quantity:
18 Cialde
(0.25 € apiece)
Coffee pods Toraldo Arabica blend A precious and refined blend with an intense aftertaste and fruity aromatic notes.
copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

Select quantity:
18 Cialde
(0.25 € apiece)
Coffee pods Toraldo Arabica blend A precious and refined blend with an intense aftertaste and fruity aromatic notes.
copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

Select quantity:
18 Cialde
(0.25 € apiece)
Coffee pods Toraldo Arabica blend A precious and refined blend with an intense aftertaste and fruity aromatic notes.
copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

copy of 150 Coffee Pods Toraldo Arabica Blend

Select quantity:
18 Cialde
(0.25 € apiece)
Coffee pods Toraldo Arabica blend A precious and refined blend with an intense aftertaste and fruity aromatic notes.

The drinks in 44mm ESE pods are divided into two sub-categories: infused and flavoured.